Submitted by amonpong.k on Fri, 12/27/2024 - 14:01
Floral assessment of riparian ecosystem along Cambantoc River in Bay, Laguna Philippines



Rona Jane C. Peña
Department of Forest and Biological Sciences, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
Nelson M. Pampolina
Department of Forest and Biological Sciences, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines



Riparians are wetlands along rivers and streams that are ecologically and economically important; however, these ecosystems are in danger of losing vital functions due to developmental activities and natural disturbances like in the case of the Cambantoc River in Bay, Laguna. This study investigated riparian ecosystems through floral assessment that can be useful for future rehabilitation to conserve biodiversity.Belt transects and quadrat sampling were followed to assess vegetation using kilometer transects established along each of upstream, midstream, and downstream. Five quadrants (10x10 m2 each) were demarcated per transect for trees (>10 cm Diameter at Breast Height [DBH]) with 3x3 m2 and 1x1 m2 to cover intermediate and undergrowth, respectively totaling a 3 km transect and 1,500 m2 sampling area. Plants were identified morphologically across structural layers, and their conservation status was determined. Ecological values, species evenness, and Shannon-Weinner diversity index were analyzed. Results revealed the dominance of agroforestry in the upstream while remnants of woodlands were described midstream and downstream, suggesting young secondary growth vegetation. There were 139 plant species belonging to 21 genera and ten families dominated by Lansium domesticum Correa upstream with an abundance of invasive Broussonitia papyrifera (L.) Vent., indicating a levelofanthropogenicdisturbances.There were2vulnerable species recorded, eight exotic species, and 13 native species that are possibly considered for rehabilitation. Frequently occurring species like Ficus ulmifolia Lamk, Ficus septica Burm. F., and Ficus nota (Blanco) Merr. are ecologically

important in riparian restoration



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