An inventory of ferns and lycophytes was conducted in Mt. Sinaka, North Cotabato through repeated transect walks across vegetation types to determine species richness, species similarity, conservation and ecological status. Results revealed 163 species belonging to 26 families and 73 genera. Of these, 144 species are ferns and 19 are lycophytes. The species richness constitutes about 15% and 29% of the total number of ferns and lycophytes in the Philippines and Mindanao Island, respectively. The majority of the growth forms are terrestrial having 73 species, followed by epiphytes with 64 species, tree ferns 9, hemi-epiphytes 2 and lithophytes with only 1 species and 14 other species were observed to have more than one growth form. Of the 19 threatened species recorded, 7 species are endangered, 9 are vulnerable and 3 as Other Threatened Species. Eleven species are broadly Philippine endemic while two are Mindanao endemic species, viz., Lindsaea hamiguitanensis and Tectaria weberi. This checklist will serve as a supporting document to formulate a science-based policy for the conservation and protection of the biological resources in Mt. Sinaka.
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