Instructions to Authors
Thai Specimens is a rapidly published and peer-reviewed journal in English which publishes the original papers on both animal and plant taxonomy, including checklists of species or specimens deposited in the museums, describing new species, new records, as well as biogeography. The papers dealing with specimens deposited in Natural History Museum of the National Science Museum, Thailand are especially welcome and have priority for the publication. The journal will be published annually (in December). Submission of a manuscript to Thai Specimens implies that the report is original, unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Papers in languages other than English are not accepted. The guidelines to the authors are as follows:
1. Submission of manuscript
Papers should be sent to the Editor or the Editorial Board of The Thai Specimens journal ( / The Submission of a manuscript to Thai Specimens implies that the report is original, unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Thai Specimens will accept for publication research carried out at the Thailand Natural History Museum (THNHM), in co-operation with THNHM, or independent biodiversity research carried out in Thailand and neighboring countries.
2. Manuscript preparation
Papers should be written in English with limited number of tables and illustrations. Text should be formatted to ft A4, with margins on all four sides of at least 30 mm. Submitted documents must be in editable (WORD) format, not a PDF. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages (including tables, captions, footnotes, and references), except by special permission. Authors, particularly non-native English speakers, should have their manuscripts checked linguistically before initial submission.
Please indicate the position of tables and illustrations in the margin of the text; tables and legends for illustrations should be typed separately at the end of the manuscript. The first mention of the Latin name of a species should be followed by the authority. If a new taxon is described, the institute in which the type of material is deposited must be indicated, together with details of the registration assigned to it.
The text should be arranged according to the following scheme:
- Title. The title of the paper should be kept as short as possible and be followed by the author’s name and institute.
- Abstract. The abstract should summarize the contents and conclusions of the paper, point out new information in the paper and indicate the relevance of the work.
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion (Conclusion if applicable)
- Acknowledgements (if applicable)
- References. References should only be made to quotations previously mentioned in the text. Reference must be listed alphabetically and presented as follows:
Reference to article in journal
Dawwrueng, P., S.Yu. Storozhenko and T. Artchawakom. 2016. Mimadiestra sirindhornae sp. nov. from Thailand (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae: Aemodogryllinae). The Thailand Natural History Museum Journal 10(2): 253–262.
Reference to book
Cox, M.J. 1991. The Snakes of Thailand and Their Husbandry. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida. 526 pp.
Newton, A.F., M.K. Thayer, J.S. Ashe and D.S. Chandler. 2000. Staphylinidae Latreille, 1802. In: R.H. Arnett and M.C. Thomas (eds.), American Beetles. Vol 1. Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga: Staphyliniformia. CRC Press, Boca Ratin, pp. 272–418.
Reference to unpublished thesis or report
Jaitrong, W. 2012. Taxonomy and biogeography of the ant genus Aenictus (Hymenoptera: Formicinae: Aenictinae) in Southeast Asia. PhD dissertation. Kagoshima University, Japan, 285 pp.
Reference to article on the Internet
Antweb. 2017. Genus: Calyptomyrmex Emery, 1887. Downloaded from calyptomyrmex&rank=genus&project=allantwebants on 24 July 2021.
Tables and Figures. Tables and figures must be numbered with Arabic characters and referred to in the text (as Table 1, Figure 1 etc.).
Tables should be presented separately on consecutive pages following the reference section. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet with title and header. Tables should include a descriptive header above the table. This should include a brief title summarizing the contents of the table, and a description of the data presented in the table including explanations of any abbreviations used.
Figure legends should be presented separately from the figures themselves, on a separate page following Tables and References. Figure legends should be self-sufficient explanations of no more than four lines. Figure legends should provide a brief sentence which concisely describes the figure, followed by an explanation of the figure itself in as concise a manner as possible. Please do not include character symbols in the legend.
3. Proofs. Proofs will be sent to the author and should be promptly returned to the editor. A total of 200 copies of each number of the journal will be printed.