Submitted by amonpong.k on Mon, 07/15/2024 - 09:29
Aboveground biomass estimation and tree vegetation assessment of Bood Promontory and Eco-Park in Butuan City, Philippines after 20 years of establishment



Jess H. Jumawan
Biology Department, College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Caraga State University. Ampayon, Butuan City, 8600, Philippines
Arlyn Jane Sinogbuhan
Graduate School, Caraga State University, Ampayon, Butuan City, 8600, Philppines
Don Daniel Atienza
Department of Education, Tungao National High School, Butuan City, Philippines
Ronald Cadavez
Department of Education, Tungao National High School, Butuan City, Philippines



The study was conducted to assess the species diversity, aboveground biomass, and aboveground carbon of forested vegetation in Bood Promontory and Eco-Park, Butuan City, Philippines. Using the quadrat sampling technique, 12 plots (10m X 10m) were established to facilitate the inventory and measurement of trees. The adequacy of the sampling effort was assessed using the Michaelis-Menten equation and depicted by the species accumulation curve. A total of 243 tree individuals from all the sampling plots were identified in the area, with the highest number of individuals being Artocarpus blancoi (88), Swietenia macrophylla (57), and Tectona grandis (47). The abundance of species was recorded in plots 2, 4, 11, and 12, with a 12 plot average abundance of 13.92. At the same time, the Shannon diversity index scored an average of H’=0.8859. The analysis of the importance value index of trees showed that Tectona grandis had the highest index with a species importance value of 1.167. Two allometric equations were used to estimate species' aboveground biomass (AGB). The resulting AGB values were utilized to convert into aboveground carbon values. The analysis showed that Browns equation had the highest value (9.30 t) compared to Chaves equation (2.48 t). The tree species with the highest estimated AGB and AGC are F. benjamina, A. millefora, E. deglupta, G. alborea, and C. nucifera, respectively. After 20 years of establishment, the Eco-Park showed the potential to significantly contribute to reducing CO2 gasses in the atmosphere of the urban environment.



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