Submitted by amonpong.k on Fri, 05/24/2024 - 14:56
Diversity of Diatoms in Selected Rivers of Indang, Cavite, Philippines and their Correlation to Water Properties



Dickson N. Dimero
Department of Biological Sciences, Cavite State University – Don Severino de las Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite
Sherine M. Cruzate
Department of Biological Sciences, Cavite State University – Don Severino de las Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite
Michele T. Bono
Department of Biological Sciences, Cavite State University – Don Severino de las Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite
Joyce Kressel P. Creus
Student Researcher, Department of Biological Sciences, Cavite State University - Don Severino de las Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite



Diatoms have been used as indicator of water quality degradation in freshwater systems. Hence, this study was conducted to assess the diversity level of diatoms in selected rivers of Indang, Cavite and correlate the presence of diatoms to the physico-chemical parameters of river water. Water samples were collected in the rivers of Brgy. Bancod, Calumpang Lejos, Tambo Kulit, Banaba Cerca and Brgy 2, Indang, Cavite. These rivers are partly exposed to sunlight and are covered with wide vegetation of ferns, grasses, shrubs and trees. The river water is clear, and the riverbed is composed of rock, mud and laid with mixed course of sand with a continuous river water flow. The physico-chemical parameters such as temperature, velocity, depth, width, pH, salinity, TSS, TDS and DO were determined. Diatoms were examined using direct microscopy and were identified based on morphological characteristics. The physico-chemical properties of the rivers conform to the standard limits set by the DENR-EMB for Class B freshwater ecosystem. Ten identified genera of diatoms namely: Synedra, Gyrosigma, Hantzschia, Cymbella, Achnanthes, Navicula, Neidium, Surirella, Bacillaria, and Pinnularia were found in the rivers. One diatom was unidentified due to limitations of morphological characteristics observed during microscopy. Statistical analysis revealed that physico-chemical properties of the rivers were neither neglectable, moderately or highly correlated to the presence of most diatoms. The only chemical parameter that had significant correlation to the presence of Cymbella spp. was total suspended solid (TSS) while width and depth are significantly correlated to the presence of Achnanthes spp. For diversity indices, Hantzschia spp. were the most dominant and it showed the greatest similarity among the 10 identified diatoms. Meanwhile, Synedra, Hantzschia, Cymbella, Navicula, and Neidium had the highest species richness as compared to others. Shannon index of biodiversity indicate very low diversity of diatom even though they occur in high frequency



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