Soil is a natural resource influenced by farming systems. Organic farming (O1-3) and conventional farming (C1-3) areas were assessed to determine the effect of agroecosystem on soil properties. The data on soil chemical parameters and microbial biodiversity were subjected to t-test/Mann-Whitney U test, and Spearman Rank Correlation analyses. Significant differences for pH (p<0.001), electrical conductivity (p<0.001), organic matter (p=0.04), total nitrogen (p=0.04), total iron (p<0.01), and total sulfur (p=0.01), were observed between O1-3 and C1-3, while no significant differences were observed for moisture content (p=0.37), available phosphorus (p=0.08), and exchangeable potassium (p=0.40). An unidentified bacterial phylum with no recognized kingdom classification was observed to be present in both agroecosystems comprising 14% of the microbial community No significant differences were observed for alpha diversity indices between O1-3 and C1-3. The association between the soil chemical properties and microbial biodiversity (OTUs) in two agroecosystems was also not significant. In conclusion, variation in farming system was found to have influenced soil chemical composition and the soil microbial biodiversity. It is highly recommended that further studies and trials be conducted to evaluate the influence of farming systems to soil properties.
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