Submitted by Sataporn.B on Thu, 05/18/2023 - 09:42
Research Translation Increasing the Impact of Natural Science Communication from Evidence-based Finding to Policy Action




       Research translation helps to fill the gap between what natural scientists discover and what policymakers take action on or employ in policy. This is called in short as the “know-do gap”. This gap is one of major problems for users and practitioners in many fields including natural science communication. In natural resource stability, practices that are not based on the most current research, for instance miscommunication in agroecosystem properties, climate and land use change can be life threating, lead to biodiversity loss and livelihood insecurity, which are consequences from multiheaded risks and improper reactions. Thus, if natural science programs and policies are not effectively developed as evidence-based, this issue can be the cause of worsening research outcomes. Suitable natural science development programing can have mighty benefits on the quality of life for vulnerable and rural communities in the nation. Therefore, a research translation framework is proposed to improve natural science communication. Illustration of windows of opportunity, knowledge cycles and increased natural science communication impact through research translation were incorporated and discussed in this article. Building trust is key to the success of natural science communication from evidence-based findings to policy action.
